Iona at Peterborough Crit

Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Our big Sudbury Adventure
Our BIG Sudbury adventure weekend
Setting off at 1pm on Friday we arrived at Sudbury Sandra's 5 and abit hours later. We were greeted with a scrummy lasagne and a bubbly Sandra to make us feel at home. After being rebel children staying up until midnight watching Pitch Perfect laughing at the cheesiness we hit the hay. A leisurely morning eating bacon sandwiches was a very relaxing start to what was going to turn out to be a rather dramatic day. Arriving at Hillingdon circuit Steph, Sandra and myself not riding for various reasons clustered around the start line to support and cheer on Iona who looked rather lonely out there on the track with no team mates. 12 riders set off from the start line, after afew laps of pissing about Iona took to the front to drill it and try drop some of the weaker riders, 1 lap later it was still together and the bunch, although successfully strung out, came back together. This seemed to be the format for the rest of the race with Iona making some great efforts on the front managing to split the pack on a couple of occasions but with no help from any of the other riders it was inevitable that the bunch would reform after each effort. Coming into the last four laps Iona attacked up the hill successfully thinning out the bunch. 2 laps to go Twickenham CC attacked and caught some dropped men from the Elite race. 1 lap to go Iona bridged the gap with another junior. It was coming down to an exciting sprint finish which Iona won in style...good job Iona!
Arriving back at the car Sandra was only to find her back car window to have been smashed and Iona's red bag and puffer coat to have been stolen! There really are some awful people in the world. They stole over £1000 worth of Iona's processions including her car keys...yes slight problem how are we going to get home!? After the police had taken there notes and given out victim care cards, the evening consisted of ringing banks, phone companies, insurance companies and autolocksmiths to cut a new key for Iona's car. Iona was a superstar, she took it all in her stride and I was so impressed how she handled it all...if it was my bag I think it may have all been abit more dramatic!
With the previous days trauma pushed to the back of our minds for the morning we set off to compete in the Sudbury hill Climb that I had been somehow persuaded to do for 'a laugh'. After a good warm to rage against the machine it was my turn to travel to hell and back with Sandra and Nicola having already been there. 5...4...3...2...1 and I was off like sh*t off a shovel. Rounding the corner the head wind hit me sapping the speed out of my legs. Nearing the top there wasn't much left and crossing the line I thought I was going to I probably did it right then!
Coffee, cake and a good chat in HQ was to follow...the main reason for attending obviously! Results time... And we couldn't quite read the writing...but then it was written that I won! Sandra got 1.10.9, Nicola was third with 1.08.08, Iona got 1.17 (up for debate!) and I won with 1.00.07. The girls did great and made it a very enjoyable day which considering I hate hills is pretty special!
With the locksmiths awaiting his £140 payment for a new key when we returned home Iona felt the sting in the bum but again took it very gracefully with Sandra very kindly lending her the money until Iona could get her new bank card an access her money. That's what this team is so great always know they have got your back!
Gobbling down beans on toast for lunch we were then ready for our 5 hour journey home.
It was a great weekend as it always is with the GB girls full of laughs, drama and two wins for GBcycles! Thanks Sandra for having us and persuading me a hill climb would be a good idea! :)
Brit x