Iona at Peterborough Crit

Iona at Peterborough Crit

Friday, 13 September 2013

Ras Na Mban Stage 3 The Team Time Trial

Friday the 13th started with a Team Time Trial, 13.8Km in the village of Barefield, just an out and back, fairly flattish course. The weather was perfect, no strong winds, no rain.

We arrived to the tunes of Lady Ga Ga , but she was not to be the song in my head for the time trial, this was reserved for none other than Paul Wheller and the Jam with "A Town Called Mallice" or if your slightly younger, the  tune that Billy Elliot taps along to.

We got the bikes off the roof, Steve gave us our instructions and off we went for our warm up, practicing. All was going well, and smooth.

Iona was first leg, followed by Karen, myself, Michelle and then Nicola!!
Lining up , it was too late for a wee, but I needed one. Once in the cleats, being held up, this was it, the town called Mallice starting to beat, or , was that my heart??? We were off, we very soon got organised, and the communication between us all , was perfect, we all worked like Trojans , fly over bridge done, roundabout done, fly over bridge and just under 2km to go, we could now see the village sign, and you always manage to squeeze that little bit more out......

Over the line, all of us, what a great feeling and the best TTT I've experienced, now resting up having had a feast in the pub here at Dromoland, ready for tonight's, sunny crit 
