Iona at Peterborough Crit

Iona at Peterborough Crit

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Training in Sicily 29th March to 1st April 2013.

We arrived in Malta and tried to pack a car already full with traffic cones and spare wheels!  Where were the passengers going to sit!?  3 bike boxes later in Steph's car and we were on our way!

Trip to Magri cycles to buy lights and shop for our new team bikes!

Next morning it was up at 5am to catch the ferry to Sicily for 4 day's training in the sunshine
                                  Good Friday in Sicily and Brit dresses for the occasion!



Juggling................Steph shows off!

                                                        Leapfrog in Sicily

                             When they say Chip Pizza on the menu, they mean chip Pizza!

                                                            More Leapfrog!

Lunch time and horse pizza was on the menu!

Ruben, Justin and Caroline set sail back to Malta.  1 more day in Sicily and we'll head back to 
Malta too!

                                                We wave goodbye to the ferry.

                                              Brit seems happy with her new balloon!

                                         Waiting for the ferry, we head back to Malta.

Aboard the ferry and we wish we'd got a picture of all the ferry crew workers gathered around Barbie and the bikes, lol!

Back to Malta!

Written by Iona.